I don't really like to cook, but lately i have been trying to motivate myself to be less lazy about it and just do it. So, I am determined to begin cooking more- i guess it IS part of my job description whether i like it or not. So, I am starting by going through the little cookbook mom gave me several years ago. I am actually enjoying making food that i remember as a kid ( and teenager). Here are two items that you all may recognize. The joy of eating and sharing these "callister comfort foods" takes away some ofthe bite of cooking.
love you all
Wonderful! I had forgotten about the breadsticks, but the cinnamon muffins are something I dream about a lot. (Those were special mornings indeed)Oh man, they are good! I count myself very fortunate that Annie enjoys cooking. I pray that her desire to do so will continue, and that my capacity to clean up the kitchen after her will also endure. Thanks for sharing... maybe cinnamon muffins will MY contribution!
both of these are favorites of mine!! the next would be her raisin pie cookie things...man there is absolutely nothing better in the universe than those things...
Oh dear heavens the raisin pie cookies!!! Good grief those were good. How about the home made granola, scones, white cake with cream cheese topping and pie cherries... man alive... I think i will head to the kitchen...
I need to learn to bake more. Dough frustrates me. I end up throwing it violently in the trash half the time. I think I will join you in this new adventure and make it mine to "bake" more. bon apetite!
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