Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Moss boys had a great time today. Rebekah saw the rather innocent beginnings, went to get the camera and came back to...


Anonymous said...

Holy cow!!! did they ever come clean? cute boys. frankly, it truly does look like it was fun!!

Josh said...

the army is looking for a few good men!

Rachel Ure said...

such a "little boy" shot. those boys are definetly getting some good playing there in italy. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

One of those pictures looks like a UNICEF poster. "With just one dollar a day, you can help one of these children have a better, less filthy life," Let us know how we can help Beck... A dollar a day is pretty steep, but we have a small budget for these kinds of things.

I wish I could get filthy like that again!!!