Sunday, May 18, 2008

We made it to Eugene

We had such a good time in Oregon with Jake and Annie and Moby. Dan ,Angie, Deb, and Mom and Dad traveled up to the green state and saw some very beautiful country. we hit a few thrift stores and went to Silver Falls NP, to the ocean, and just relaxed and played Mormon rook at J&A's. We had good food, good company and it was just plain great!!! NOw we have to get back to work....and try to get the Snoasis started. Good Times. Thanks to Jake and Annie

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our Trip To Venice (Utah)

We took a little trip to Venice to see Grandpa this last weekend and had an enjoyable time with him. we took Margaret with us this time and was fun to spend a little bit of time with her as well. She is doing OK, but finds it very hard to get up any stairs with out a lot of pain. But we did a lot of talking and was good to be with her again. We also visited with uncle Robert for a short while. Kent and family were there as well. Haven't seen him for a long time. He looked real good and told me to tell Jacob that he is still waiting for his lokalgrown T-shirt :). Grandpa is doing well enough and seems to be healthy. He doesn't do much ( we think he is depressed) and his hearing in one ear is real bad, but he is still sharp and is fun to talk to. I had him give us a tour of Richfield and show me where the family lived when I was born. The picture is of that house. It was in much better shape he said 56 (wow) years ago. The Owl is a resident of the big pine tree in the front yard in Venice. Dad saw it spread it's wings and fly to the shade tree, also in our yard. We know he lives there from all the pellet droppings in the yard under the pine tree. Do you remember dissecting owl pellets as a cubscout Josh? Pretty interesting stuff. He is awesome isn't he? It was a good time