Friday, September 21, 2007

Salmon Run!


Angie and I enjoyed watching the salmon spawning at Porcupine Res Thursday morning. I think we saw more salmon than we've ever seen. It was really a good time, and so darn pretty with leaves starting to change in Cache valley already! Angie is enjoying her new job watching kids for a few hours every day, and I'm surviving my nacturnal life day-by-day :) Mostly I'm just glad to have my wife back!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Snoasis is closed

Wow, the Snoasis is finally closed for the season!! Deb, Angie and Andrew are especially happy. They put in a lot of hours the last two weeks, but they also reaped the reward. The weather held out for a very successful ending to the very successful summer. We are working on the new East side of parking lot place of business for next year. We are grateful for all the people that love us, and for the blessings it gives our family. Angie will be going home to Logan and her husband. Deb will continue with her other job. And, by the way, We went to Jordan Commons to see the Movie that Andrew is in a few weeks ago. It was a special showing of it and it is very good!!!! It is Called "Forever Strong" We totally recommend it if you get a chance to see it somewhere. However it might not be out for a while. love you all, mom

Saturday, September 15, 2007

grandma's party

I decided it was time to put in another picture. This was taken a month ago when Aunt Catherine was here to see Grandma and we had a fun get together with some aunts and uncles and cousins. We had a good turn out. I hadn't seen some of these folks for a while. It was good for them to see grandma and for her to see them. Love you all

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Girl Meets Lawn

What? You say we have to do this every week?! Believe it or not, this was Annies first ever mowing experience... I am glad she liked it. We'll see how long that lasts. All is well here, we are busy every day doing little fix it projects here adn there. Still kind of fun. We went to IKEA in Portlnad last week. What a zoo!! Found some cool stuff. We'll send pictures.

Love ya'll

Monday, September 3, 2007

Gabriel had a Happy Birthday party on Sunday.

He wanted an elephant cake

(that is what this is supposed to be in case you can't tell).

We can't believe that he is so big!!

3 years old!